Tuesday, 28 February 2012

《龍眾舞》 Dance Dance Dragon


上映日期 Release date :01/03/2012

剧情:龙妈终生心愿就是希望三子女能开枝散叶,圆她当祖母之愿。但三子女多年来毫无生育计划,未能让龙妈妈如愿。就在迎接龙年第一天时,一个可爱的宝宝竟然出现在龙家却也让发生在龙家的事物迂迴曲折 ...

Synopsis: Mother Loong who desires to have a grandchild despite all of her children are not in the plan to be parents yet. Twists and turns happen in the Loong's family when they found a newborn baby on their doorstep during first day of the dragon year....

My FM My music, DJ 庄靖毅主持電影《龍眾舞》影迷見面會+首映禮

DJ JYM hosted the Dance Dance Dragon ‘Fan Meet and Greet’ + Movie Premiere

謝佳見 Melvin Sia

黎明姨 Lai Meng

鐘琴 Kym Ng

周崇慶反串演女人, Lucy姐

Dennis Chew with his popular Aunty Lucy persona

《龍眾舞》主要演員(左起)謝佳見, 黎明姨, 吳碧嬋 Kat Goh (導演/director), 鐘琴及周崇慶

影迷見面會 / Fan Meet and Greet

日期 / Date : 28/02/2012

地點 / Venue : 雙威金字塔TGV戲院大堂

Sunway Pyramid TGV Cinema Hall

時間 / Time : 8.30 pm


Autograph session during the Movie Premiere Night