2359 是军队用的一种术语,意为一个午夜前的一分钟。大家都秉持一个信念,午夜是一天中最邪恶的时间,而如果有人在这个时分死亡或者被谋杀,他们的灵魂将永不超生,无法安息,甚至会回来复仇。
1983 年发生了一场震惊了新加坡的意外。随后,军营就开始发生了奇怪事件……
传闻岛上有个神秘疯癫的妇人在 23:59 时死去。从此女鬼冤魂不散地在 23:59 时分纠缠岛上的士兵们。新兵们被怪异事件的传闻困扰,使大家都过着提心吊胆的日子。
Tan(曾国珲饰)是其中一个新兵,为人内向、孤僻。总觉得自己将是下一个被女鬼缠上的目标。他尝试向好友Jeremy(许亮宇饰)倾诉,女鬼每晚都缠着他。但Jeremy却不以为然,认定是 Tan的精神过分紧张而造成的。并自信地说:“这世界上根本没有鬼!”
在一次24公里长途行军中,军队必须穿越丛林,以到达目的地。Tan却在这次的行动中离奇死亡。被发现时,手脚被折断,脸上更留下极为恐惧的表情。Jeremy为了Tan 的死,感到非常内疚。他坚信Tan的死不是意外,并决定展开调查。
A rumor had been circulating like wild fire amongst the soldiers. A mad woman living on the island had died at the exact hour of 23:59, and it is believed that her spirit had returned to haunt the soldiers at the exact same time.
One of the recruits, Tan, the introverted platoon outcast, is adamant that he will be the next victim of the mad woman's spirit. He tries to convince his buddy Jeremy that the woman's spirit has been visiting him every night. Jeremy laughs it off and claims that there are no such things as ghosts in this world. They only exist because of Tan's overactive imagination.
However, during the 24 km road march for the platoon in the forest, Tan was found dead by the river, with his limbs contorted in a strange way and an expression of deep fear on his face. Overwhelmed with guilt, Jeremy decides to investigate Tan's death, convinced that it was not an accident as what the military officers believe.
Little does he know that the truth behind Tan's death will unearth a terrible dark secret of the island and he will have to confront his deepest fears in order to find the truth.
《23:59》首映包廳會加送簽名會和小福袋 。
許亮宇、曾國琿和賴力豪8.20pm現身GSC Mid Valley大廳,並在櫃檯為影迷簽名及合照時,引起一陣騷動。